Visual Expressions
This is the first course to ontroduce you to the facinating world of coding and generative art. In this course, you will learn many new concepts as they relate to coding and how coding can be used to generate artistic images. You will explore your own creativity by an iterative processs of experimentation. Each of the lesson is short and focuses on a couple of new concepts. Each leasson is built on top of the previous lessons. You will progressively learn how to use code to create intriguing, and sometimes unexpected images. You may find out more about yourself: your values, your beliefs, your strengths and your dreams. First and foremost, your purpose, and what’s meaningful to you. The structure of each lesson will include the following parts:
- Introduce new concepts
- Show examples
- Suggest an exercise
- Reflect
- Learn more
I hope you enjoy this course as much as I created it.